There’s a nip in the air — unless there isn’t, because Indiana weather avoids predictability —, holiday parties are just around the bend, and the school semester is entering into final-exam season. Gifts need to be bought, merry needs to be made, and we all could use a little bit of neighborliness to keep us in check amidst the hustle and bustle of early December. Cue Winter Wonderland.
Hosted by the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce in charming downtown Winamac and at the local elementary school on the first Saturday of December, Winter Wonderland gives us the chance to breathe in — specifically, to breathe in the delicious aroma of free cookies and cocoa in the Vurpillat Opera House, the fresh scents of holiday floral arrangements at the historic train depot, and the smell of savings at local businesses.
Santa and Mrs. Claus (Anyone know her first name?!) make a stop in town, vendors set up booths with all kinds of cool gift ideas, and various charity fundraisers and collections take place. And there’s so much more, including a parade! Learn more here.
Photo credit: Pulaski County Journal