For some, few events are more nostalgic than experiencing farm machinery from a bygone era, perhaps even bringing back fond memories of a childhood spent on the farm. At the Power from the Past Antique Engine & Tractor show, collectors and farmers alike from all over the Midwest come together in Winamac, Indiana, for one of the area’s largest power shows. Collectors bring in steam-power tractors, old gas-powered tractors, and many now obsolete brands that contributed a vital piece of our farming history. Hear the remarkable sounds of hit-and-miss engines, fall in love with the smell of a chugging steam engine, and even witness square-dancing tractors! This event is not simply a way to recall our past; it’s a way to educate younger generations about the evolution of farming, by introducing the future to the past.
Also featured during the four day event include a 130-vendor flea market, garden tractors, threshing displays, saw, shingle, and grist mills, children’s games, old craft and artisan demonstrations, a quilt show, a collectible motorcycles exhibit, live entertainment, games, food and much, much more!
For more information on the upcoming festival, visit here.